Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Hi Leo, I had a dream about you and Scott last night on 02/02/2022. I was compelled to write to you about the vision quest test you gave me years ago one day in downtown St. Helens. You asked me about a bear that represented the law, then about a wolf that represented the teacher, then about the trees that represented friends, and about the mountain that represented death and then the other side of mountain represented where I'd be after death. Long story short I remember I walked quietly passed the bear, don't remember the wolf, trees bore jellybeans, I dug a tunnel through the mountain, and there was a three-tiered fountain on the other side of the mountain, heaven, since hell doesn't have water.

You sent me a candy cane card when you were in prison. I believe the candy cane is a representation of the Lords staff for His sheep who hear His voice. The red and white stripes for the His purity and bloodshed. The Christ Mass tree represents the tree of life, the tree of knowledge, and the burning bush. Glass ornaments of solid, single colors are the fruits that must not be eaten. The crystal ornaments of opalescent rainbow light is thine eye be single. The lights represent the burning bush of the 10 commandments and the moral laws. Mary Christ Mass = Mary giving birth to Jesus who came down to us from heaven at our level, to the masses, like a parent does with a small child.

I want to share with you and Scott, my testimony of Jesus and the workings of my screenplay in hopes that you can both understand.  In my dream last night Scott was blue and freezing, yet he did not respond to me when I talked to him. That means that I hope Scott will hear me in the living.

Check out my screenplay blogs first because they're really fun. Then if you want to you can read my testimony of Jesus or you can read the testimony first, whatever order. 

After viewing the screenplay blog, I ask you and Scott to decide if it's worthy, and then if it's worthy to sincerely and joyfully ask God to make sure His screenplay gets put into an actual production where the secular masses will eagerly watch it due to its music and humor.


Dear Jesus, Lead me onward with your big, 
log Lamb book of my life. 
Yours truly & forever loving You.

Whatever Gods will is, may we do it in love, with forgiveness, and even humor, because we need to enjoy life as we conquer and cure the ups and downs.